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General Practitioner (GP/VMO) - Brewarrina (DPA/MMM7)

General Practitioner (GP/VMO) - Brewarrina (DPA/MMM7)

  • 09-1-25
  • NSW
  • Permanent
  • On-target earnings upwards of $650K | Sign on bonuses
  • DPA/MMM7 location eligible for all training programs
  • 2hour 45minutes to Cobar with daily flights to Sydney
Are you looking for rural generalist (GP/VMO) jobs in an rural NSW town with high income potential?

Are you looking to work with a highly reputable, rural-focused, medical centre operator with excellent mentoring and support?

The Practice
  • Full-time nursing support
  • Online bookings 
  • Best Practice software
  • Structured on-site mentoring and support
  • Mixed Billing
  • Monday - Friday

The Hospital

Multi-purpose service developed to provide continuity of care and a balanced mix of services, including on-call responsibilities for ED, inpatients and aged care as a Visiting Medical Officer. VMO Roaster with out of hours Telehealth.

  • DPA/ MMM7 location eligible for PFP, Expedited Specialist Pathway, PEP/FSP, RVTS, ACRRM Independent Pathway and the new Rural Generalist Training Scheme (RGTS)
  • RA5 location eligible for significant moratorium reduction
  • Rural insentives avaliable
  • 2hour 45minutes to Cobar with daily flights to Sydney 
Brewarrina or ‘Bre ‘ as it is known by the locals, in far north-western New South Wales is located 765 km via Narromine and Nyngan, 797 km from Sydney via Dubbo and the Castlereagh Highway. It is an historic and fascinating town on the Barwon-Darling River. 68% of the local population identify as indigenous and the location is renowned for modern and ancient fishing.

Apply Now

Whether you are an experienced rural generalist looking for their next challenge, or a non VR GP looking to commence their GP training in a location with VMO rights, this opportunity should not be missed. 

To find out more, please contact:

Amy Dent
0412 174 152